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How to become an influential business blogger and its benefits - Janet Machuka

A number of bloggers find it difficult to differentiate themselves from the rest of the bloggers. Lately, there has emerged a set of bloggers that are focusing on providing content for businesses and using their platforms to blog for business.

According to Corey Wainwright she defines business blogging as a marketing tactic that uses blogging to give products and services more online visibility by creating short-form content. The focus of the blog post features the product or service benefits and how it works.

Additionally, they can give information that can guide businesses on how they should carry out their business to build dominance. Business blog is different from any other blog due to the fact that it acts as a marketing channel that gears towards business growth.

A blog tends to explain more about your thoughts, products and services and how you have had an experience using them.

Hence, Influencer Blogging this is basically advocating for brands and business through blog posts and ads on one’s site due to the high readership and viewership in your blog post. In short, you record a high never of traffic to your blog.

Blogs are ranked top as online services that influence purchase of products and services. Bloggers have an influencing power that can help in advertising and marketing initiatives by brands.

How to become an influential blogger

1.       Spend time researching on what you love writing

If it is fashion, look for other fashion bloggers and find out what they are doing that you are not doing.

You can also go beyond and attend those fashion events to interact with the fashionistas and designers. Moreover, you can partner with them; to be blogging for them and in return you get pieces of their products or earn commission.

This will create a huge following from a face to face prospective. Once you blog about them, they will definitely share your content on their platforms. This will build you more audience. Additionally, it will increase your blog image and most people will be your fans.

To make this work, you ought to create concrete content that is sparking, moving and worth of consumption.

2.       Give your audience your experience

If you are blogging about a product, you have definitely been using it in one way or the other. Then give your experience on it. Don’t just glorify it without mentioning the negativity with it. 

Nothing is always perfect. So, be honest with your audience. The audience will love a genuine blogger. This way, it can create you more fans effortlessly because you “speak in their voice!”

3.       Mention established influential bloggers

One of the best way to grow as a blogger is appreciating the work of others. For instance, I am into blogging for businesses and content that can empower digital enthusiasts with knowledge that will enable them grow their online marketing executions.

I love reading content from the likes of Neil Patel. Sometimes I am compelled to use some of their content phrases on my blog. I Just have to mention them. This way, I can easily increase my search engine optimization (SEO) ranking.

4.       Consistency grows a blogger hence influencing power

Sometimes I am excited in my blogging to an extent that I can do my blog posts daily. There comes moments when I am sterile and lose the enthusiasm in updating my blogs. In short, I lack consistency in updating my blog.

This has cost me in one way or the other. For instance, I have suppressed my audience growth and disappoint blog subscribers by not sharing new posts.

Consistency can grow your influence since you will be engaging with the existing and potential audience that will be interested in your content. It also gives you a chance to meet new brands who will love to be profiled or products to be reviewed on your blog.

5.       Create promotions

Promote your blog posts on your social media platforms and Google ads.

(a)  You can share them on your social media channels. You can also ask your audience to share.

(b) Create sponsored posts on your social media pages such as on Facebook page. This will increase in the clicks to your sites. Ensure that you promote content that will gunner you more traffic.

(c) Use the Google ads. If you have the capacity to afford a Google ad, go ahead and do it.

Note: Every blogger ought to have a social media channel that he or she can share the posts. Once you post your articles, it is not a guarantee that people will be viewing. How will they know that you wrote?

Put more effort. Remember, great content is king and distributing the content is adding more value to it by increasing viewership.


Benefits of influencer blogging

First of all, as an individual you can create an image for your brand under your blog depending on the business blogging you are into. These are other benefits you can draw from blogging for businesses.

1. Gain more income

2. Grow a personal brand under great brands which are already established

3. Gives you a chance to do more research on the area of your choice or interest

4. You can be the mouthpiece of a number of start-ups.

5. Driving traffic that follows you for a specific reason. In return the engagement you do with them on your posts can build your brand trust and their feedback can be helpful.

6. Blogs offer detailed information. Social media posts may not be enough information for the audience about products and services. This will prompt a need for blogs that give detailed information.

If a blogger does this extensively, for instance techweez, which is a Kenyan technology blog, is an influence blog that offers detailed information about technology gadgets.

In a case where the social media influencers have shared a new brand of phone on their platforms, an interested customer will want to read more about it. At this point, a blog is important to give detailed information.


The easiest way to grow into an influential business blogger is to choose a niche. Avoid doing everything so long as it is business if you cannot be able to pull all the efforts together. If you have other bloggers who write for your blog, it can be easier to focus on vast types of business blogging.

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