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In this digital era where companies and people are trying to create value out of the free social media platforms which have now become too noisy is a task. Standing from the crowd and being able to be noticed to qualify for your next social media job needs you to not only be consistent in your posting but much more than that. 

1. How can personal branding help you get your next job?

Jobs are given to individuals not just brands unless it is a partnership between a brand and an agency that offers social media services. Branding is essential one to stand out on social media. Having said that, people on social media easily connect with people and that’s why personal branding is important when it comes to getting your social media job. 

Personal branding  makes you stand out from the many social media users and be recognized by your next employer. There are so many people offering similar services as yours. Your personal brand is a vivid indication of the best you have to offer – the performance, contributions, and value your next employer can expect from you.

The brand you communicate marks your career reputation and is in some respects a promise. This is why most companies trust personal brands because they are built on trust and reputation. They have a role to play towards their audiences. 

I have been able to secure most of my social media marketing jobs because of my brand packaging. People recommend people and people recommend those personal brands that are seen, known and are easily remembered.  

“Your previous gig with different clients speaks a lot to your future gigs, if well managed and handled, this personal branding will increase on your brand outpost to the other brands. Not forgetting your profile description too to clients.” Ivan Pinno

2. Which skills should one in search of a social media managing gig be equipped with?

Having created a personal brand, there are specific characteristics and skills you have equipped yourself with that makes you the best out of the many. For instance, if you want to become the best social media community manager for other personal brands or businesses on the platforms it is advisable to own these skills. 

Having all the listed skills, do not ignore the importance of a deeper understanding of how various business models affect the market and businesses.  

3. How can one be hired for a social media gig without experience?

They say experience is the best teacher. Practice the skills with your personal brand. Marketers often ignore the importance of social media communities. Tweet Chats, Facebook and LinkedIn Groups often give you an opportunity to meet people who will read your thoughts, ideas and see your potential in a niche you are interested in. 

This is where networking and volunteering can really pay off. If people already know you, or are familiar with your brand, it’s a plus. Mention any prior knowledge, work, or interest that will make you a good candidate for the job.” ~ Dana Lemaster 

Other Ways to get  hired: 

4. Tips to land your next social media gig 

Don’t wait for brands to approach you so that you can start thinking about what you can do for them. Offer value to your audience at all times even when without a gig. They are your first fans who will gladly recommend and refer you.

Network and engage with others. Let them know what you’re capable of. You can also demonstrate your passion in what you do on your social media platforms. Again, offer value with or without a client. 

5. Can one become a social media expert without necessarily having a personal brand? 

This is very possible. There are so many social media experts working behind companies and they are doing extremely well. This is by them applying what they are learning from digital marketing courses, webinars and other industry leaders.  

I am a believer that passion can get you anywhere. If you have a great network of people in the social media marketing field and you can learn from them as you apply in the brands you work for, that is a plus. 

6. “Social Media Pays.” Any tips on how one can leverage their presence to gain monetary value?

The internet is not only a place to have fun but to make your dreams come true. We have read, watched and met people who have made fortune out of the value their presence on social media has.

People and brands pay value for value. If you aren’t using the advertising, content creation and marketing skills you have learnt on social media marketing to offer value, “social media pays” will just be just a non-existent dream. 

There are turns of jobs one can do as a social media marketing enthusiast. Here are just but a few:


In a flooded market like social media, there is a need for one to constantly watch your back. As you build networks to get referrals to clients, remember to choose to work with brands whose work and messaging align with things you are passionate about. That way, you won’t have a hard time being believed, you will enjoy your work and it will be easier for you to get great results. Be a fan of your own work.

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