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8 Best Ways to Improve on Your Tweet Performance - Janet Machuka

Twitter has become well known of its presence as the best platform to share your thoughts, news and engage with others in 280 characters in each post you publish. For instance, a number of people daily and companies will run a hashtag on the product or service to be advertised. This has become a major trend on twitter today.

As much as you can tweet, there are some ways in which you can use in order to come up with the best tweets that can catch the attention of most readers or your followers. For instance these are some of the simple ways to work it out to get best tweets on your timeline.

1. Use relevant hashtags
Choose hashtags that are relevant to your tweet. If it is a love tweet you can use the hashtag:#Love or #Relationships. That way, it makes sense and can reach many people since it the are one of the popular hashtags.

2. Visual content usage
The photos and video clips you use must be eye catching and relevant at the same time. Don’t just fit a photo because you have it. Additionally, don’t make your tweet of 140 characters look squeezed. Give the words a breathing space.

3. Discover when is the best time to tweet
Don’t just tweet any time expecting a good performance even when you clearly know your audience is either asleep or are on another issue such as discussing the floods that caused destruction that is breaking news in the country and you serious tweeting about #HappyHome. Know what time of the day is good for tweeting what.

4. Your choice of keywords
Choose words that can be easily found in the trends. There is a possibility of many people seeing or searching your tweet if it has a specific keyword that has a tendency of either trending or be seen. For example, content, marketing, fashion, influencer, brand among others.

5. Know who to mention
By knowing who to mention will boost your tweet impressions. For instance if you mention or tag a verified individual, there is a possibility that your impressions will rise if he or she quotes, retweets or likes the tweet. Mention someone you know will probably give you a good audience once he or she retweets.

6. Tweet severally
Don’tt expect a good turn out if you do it once and relax. You need to repeat it again and again. You can tweet the same tweet many times differently. That will improve its performance.

7.  Join Tweet Chats

We have quite a number of Twitter Chats you can join in line with your niche of operation or something new that you would love to learn. For digital marketing tweet chats that can give you a chance to share your ideas, interact, engage, gain followers and build relationships with some people that can be your audience who will interact with your tweets. You can follow chats such as:

8. Make use of the Twitter Search

You can search your favorite hashtags or keywords in line with what you love sharing and quote comment, reply or get ideas you can use to write your own posts. This gives you a chance to read other people’s minds and criticize the ideas. They can also spark fresh ideas you can share too on your platform. The best way to tweet more is to read other people’s ideas that will help you come up with your own. 

These are just a few of the ways l usually use. If you find more, you can comment on this article so that l can be able to add into the list. Let me know if it was helpful.

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