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In simple terms, Brand Identity is how a brand is known online by its current audience, the new audience that is searching on specific keywords and aspects corresponding to their needs. In most cases, the top searches become the authority.

1.      What are some of the ways towards building brand authority online?

2.      How can conversations boost one’s brand Authority?

3.      Does Brand Authority on Social Media equate to conversions?

4.      Is shifting to a new brand identity of an already built brand advisable?

5.      Which platform is the best to build brand Authority? Why?

Each social media platform has its own strongest purpose. For instance;

Instagram – Beauty & Fashion

Facebook – Building Community Relationships

LinkedIn – Professional Relationships and job seeking

Twitter – Get-in-the-moment Updates

6.      Should a company associate itself with any thought leaders online?

Yes: Messengers are very important. They stand in for a brand when it has been hit or when sharing the brand’s achievements. They can also be used to steer and spearhead original research for the customers about the brand they are representing. They can be brand influencers, ambassadors, celebrities among others.

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